Thursday, April 24, 2008


Simple Manifesto: Break Free from the Tyranny of the Clock

For tens of thousands of years, human beings didn’t have
clocks. They lived, amazingly, by the sun and the moon and seasons and
the needs and rhythms of their bodies.

The clock is a very very recent invention, and even more recent is
our modern society’s slavish adherence to the dictatorship of the

Only very recently have we been forced to work from 8 to 5, and to
go to school and follow a very rigid class schedule. Only very recently
have we become obsessed with tracking and making use of every minute,
so that we have things to do when we’re waiting for other things
to happen.

Only recently did we begin to lose our humanity, begin to lose the
art of conversation and the art of listening to our bodies, begin to
lose sight of what’s really important and begin to become robots.

I’m as guilty as anyone else, but as I simply my life I begin
to question the culture that surrounds me and wonder why it is that I
feel so pressured to do things so quickly, by a timeline or schedule
set by others, to be so productive when what I really want is to be

Have you ever felt that way? I know I’m not alone.

I have a solution, and it’s not original I’m sure but it
surely isn’t as common as it should be: break free from the
clock. Get in touch with the rhythms of life, of your body and of
nature. Be more relaxed and reject the notion that time rules us.

The Benefits of Being Free of Clockhood

Now, I’m not saying that we should throw our clocks and
watches away (though I don’t own a watch) … I’m not
saying we should all quit our jobs and go live in the woods. I know
that my reality is different from most people, as I’m my own boss
— but ask yourself, is it possible for you to be your own boss?
And if not, is it possible at least to find a job where you can set
your own schedule? For many people, it is possible. For others, you
won’t be able to live all the tenets of this manifesto, but you
can change smaller things, here and there.

Why should you change things? Because the clock is meaningless
— we follow it without really realizing why. We follow it because
we’ve been raised to believe we should, and because those who
control us (bosses, corporations, schools, etc.) set schedules we must
follow. The clock, then, is a means to control us — and that, in
my book, is as good a reason to break free from it as any.

Beyond issues of freedom, breaking free from the clock is healthier.
It’s healthier to follow your natural sleep rhythms, to eat when
you’re hungry rather than when it’s time to eat, to live a
more relaxed schedule rather than to be stressed out all the time
trying to meet deadlines and follow artificial schedules.

How to Break Free

It’s probably not advisable to try to change your life
drastically, if you are interested in breaking free of the
clock’s tyranny. Change things a little at a time. Below are a
few things I’ve been doing, or that I’m trying to do, that
you might consider. You don’t have to do all of them — pick
one and give it a try, and see if it is useful. The list, of course,
isn’t comprehensive, but I hope it helps you spark some ideas of
your own.

  1. Don’t eat on the clock. Why do you think
    we’re taught to eat “three squares a day”? In human
    history, this is a very strange concept. People used to eat when they
    were hungry (or at least, when the food was available), not at
    predetermined times of the day. The answer, of course, is that it is a
    better structure for industrialized corporations — people, in the
    early days of working in factories, had to be broken from their natural
    eating patterns and only given one meal break a day. Too many eating
    breaks means lost profits! So we learned to eat before work, then once
    during work, then after work. Partly as a result of that, we’re
    ravenous during lunch and dinner times, and we overeat. And we eat
    unhealthy stuff because of our ravenous hunger, and we get fat.
    Instead, learn to listen to your body, and eat when you get a little
    hungry. Grazing is a good thing, actually. Eat healthy stuff if you
    can, and don’t eat beyond what it takes to satisfy your
    body’s hunger. Don’t eat if you’re not hungry just
    because it’s time to eat. Learn to trust your body’s hunger
    signals, and you’ll become much healthier.
  2. Don’t work on the clock. We work on set
    schedules for the same reason — for corporations to maximize
    profits. But we don’t need to be controlled by corporations. If
    you have the chance to set your own schedule, learn to find the times
    when you have the most energy, and do your important work at these
    times. Learn to follow your passion, and do work that gets you excited,
    and you’ll do a better job. Many companies these days allow
    people to change their schedules and work from anywhere — these
    are the companies you want to work for (unless you can find a way to
    work for yourself). These are the companies of the future, that
    recognize that people aren’t robots and need to be able to work
    whenever they want, as long as they get the work done.
  3. Do fewer things. This is a maxim of Zen Habits, of
    course — do the important stuff, not just busywork. Do less, but
    focus on the high-impact stuff. I’m repeating it here because
    it’s an important cornerstone of the clockless method: if you do
    fewer things, you can do them at a more relaxed pace, instead of
    rushing to try to do everything within a set schedule. This rule
    applies not only to your work life, but to your life in general —
    do fewer errands, chores, civic activities, etc. in order to have a
    more relaxed schedule.
  4. A more relaxed schedule. Once you’ve learned
    to do fewer things, and to work when your energy is high, you can learn
    to structure your day at a more relaxed pace. Leave lots of space
    between appointments so that you have transition time to get ready, to
    get to where you need to go, to finish up what you were doing, without
    having to rush. Or better yet, avoid making appointments. Know what you
    want to do today, but do them in any order you like and at whatever
    time works best for you.
  5. Meditate and/or exercise. These two related
    activities allow you to get more in touch with yourself, you inner
    mind, and with the world around you. If you sit in an office all day,
    when will you get outside to breathe fresh air and see what the sky
    looks like? If you don’t stop doing the million things you do
    every day, when will you be able to close your eyes and listen to what
    is happening within you? While you don’t need to meditate or
    exercise every day, I highly recommend it.
  6. Take naps. Naps have been given a bad name (though
    they seem to be making a comeback), mostly because people who take naps
    are seen as lazy. Yet in many countries outside the United States,
    people take regular naps in the afternoons (think siestas) and in my
    opinion, this is a more enlightened way of living. Since working from
    home, I have discovered the power of the nap, and have come to look
    forward to it almost as much as I look forward to exercise. When you
    find yourself getting tired in the middle of the day, listen to your
    body and sleep.
  7. Learn to listen to your intuition. We have become
    out of touch with our intuitions. Now, I’m not a new-agey hippy
    type (not that there’s anything wrong with that), but I do
    believe that listening to our bodies and our non-rational minds has a
    lot of value. It is healthier and saner. However, it’s not easy
    to learn — it takes time, and it takes listening. Try it today,
    and see if you can stop resisting your intuition and live more in tune
    with yourself.
  8. Take time to talk and connect. How many times have
    you run into a friend or family member, said a quick hello, and then
    moved on because you were in a hurry? When did we lose touch with our
    fellow human beings? I believe that this is a key to our
    dehumanization, to our becoming robots: we no longer connect with other
    people as much as we used to do. We’ve lost the skills necessary
    to have an enjoyable, relaxed conversation. We’ve lost the
    institutions that encourage discussion and debate and thinking and
    participation. Instead, we watch TV and stare at the computer and sit
    in our cubicles and our one-person cars and rarely if ever make human
    contact. This separation disempowers us (if that’s even a word,
    but it should be), and makes us powerless and inhuman. Instead, next
    time you see someone you know (or even if you don’t know them),
    stop, breathe, smile, relax, talk, listen.
  9. Spend time on the important things. Another maxim
    of Zen Habits, of course: learn to step back and think about
    what’s important in your life. Learn to spend time doing these
    things instead of the things that have naturally come to fill your
    life. Forget about schedules and clocks and instead focus on
    what’s important. You’ll be glad you did.

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