Thursday, July 06, 2006


Don't tell anyone...

But I am having some deep dark thoughts that would shock most of the modern world and I would like your input. O.K. confession time... I have been giving some thought to... wait for it... deleting my account. There it is I said it, or at least typed it (which is probably even more concrete).

Justifications are:

It just takes too much time
I work on a computer and could probably be a little more productive if myspace were not a factor
Even though I know a little bit about computers I don't really like them at all so why spend more time with them than I need to
It seems a little more geared to high school kids then mid twenties career guys (no offense to the rediculously large number of people who are older than me and still can't get enough of that site, I am currently one of you!!!)
I am addicted for sure and how good for you is it to be addicted to much of anything

Reservations are:

I do know alot of people on there and it really is a good way to stay in touch
I am superficially connected to many of my bodyboarding heroes from across the globe
Some of the people that I have met on my travels are also on the site and would have otherwise disappeared off into the rest of the world
I am addicted, enough said

I want to keep justifying it but I know that this is just my own fault for being dependant on it. Anyway, that is my rant...

Everyone enjoy your day

Dude! I feel the same way!!!
It feels good to know that I am not the only one.

P.S. - I was checking out your music interests and you have rediculously good taste, and by rediculously good I mean similar to mine. :)
It would be cool to see your brother and you sometime. Hope you are doing well...
I am going to be at the Liberty Fellowship Retreat this coming week but I am sure you won't be there, heh heh. Yeah, it would be good to get together with you guys sometime!!! You guys were always so flippin hilarious! (in a good way)
Your surfing pictures are incredible!
Here's the thing, though. If you cancel your myspace account, you still have access to it, but you won't be able to keep in contact with people. I am definitely one of the "older" addicted people you referred to, but I've gotten back in touch with a lot of old friends through it, ones that I never would have found if it weren't for myspace. So I'm grateful for it...even though I'm totally addicted. It's definitely a catch 22...where did that saying come from, anyway?? Catch 22...something to think about.
FYI. Catch-22 was the name of a novel by American novelist Joseph Heller (I did not know this). It was originally called Catch-18 but was changed so it would not be confused with another novel using the number 18, Leon Uris's Mila 18.

How did I ever live without the internet?
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