Monday, April 10, 2006


I'm sorry

Well I've been an embarrassment to bloggers everywhere this last week or so. I apologize for that. Lets see what is blogworthy that I can talk about... I've got it!

O.K. for all of us that are in this transition phase of life right now hopefully you can relate to me on this one. Often when I speak to older people (keep in mind that I am 24 and that age is relative) I may say that I plan on doing something next week such as going on a trip or doing something kind of dangerous (but not really to me because danger is also relative). The response that I get more often than not is, "well, better do it now while you still can." I'll be honest, everytime I here someone say this my heels dig in a little inside and I just think, "NO WAY! THAT WILL NEVER BE ME!" Maybe this is just stubborn youth but I hope that the future doesn't just hold thoughts of the good old days when I was able to actually do something and feel a little more alive.
I hope that I don't sound as though I am complaining I don't think that I am and I know those people have nothing but the best intentions. I am extremely grateful for the people in my life.

Hopefully I will be a little more regular in the blogposting in upcoming weeks.

Well in coming months I see myself traveling to college and back. Once I graduate I'd love to take a summer and go to about four places I've always wanted to go. Then I plan on honeymooning somewhere amazing. Then, taking the kids all over to show them the amazing things of the world. Then retiring with my sweetie and going to all the places we never took our kids. I hope that my "while I still can" is simply "while I am still alive." I think it is awesome that you are doing some traveling in upcoming weeks!
Great blog!
Yo, Tim! This is Jon Birch. I heard you were soon to be doing a bit of roaming. I am certain you will find mucho fun on your travels, as well as great experiences and sights. I thoroughly enjoyed your latest blog and I completely identify with your sentiments- I, too, have thought likewise, not wanting to reach the point when I only "dream and visit memories." Since I was a child I desired to go to the Holy Land, thinking that if only I could go once, my life would be fulfilled. Ha! In 2001 I traveled to Israel, Jordan, Syria, and Egypt for about three weeks. It was definitely the experience of a lifetime, but I will return, for my desire to experience the Holy Land was only piqued. It may be a while before I venture back across the Pond, but I realized that I will NEVER reach a point in this lifetime that I feel "fulfilled." In fact, fulfillment shall only just begin on the other side of this temporal existence... so I am with you in refusing to settle into the mentality of a life of mere "reflection," and instead pursue continual "experience."
you know...i think that there will and should always be "the good old days". this is not to say that we should live in the past, but hopefully the past will be worthy of remembrance. who could forget sitting in your room watching someone play zelda and contemplating where we would go (the answer was always either blockbuster or nowhere). those were good times. or a nice trip to boston that went by in a whirlwind. good times. or last friday, small cheeseburgers and benchwarmers. good times. or every monday night (see now we are lookign ahead too), 24 and some type of baked good...are you kidding, even if you dont participate in the eating, it is still good. we still have the same crew as 10 years ago, which is pathetic to some, but great to me. good times in the past, good times to be had in the future. this sounds like a yearbook entry.
yes, that ^^ does sound like a yearbook entry. where's the requisite acne-covered photo with the gawky, hesitant smile?

in other words, a favorite quote is something along the lines of, "you're never old until your memories exceed your dreams." so keep dreaming and you'll stay young!
Thanks for everyones responses. To reply back a bit:
I am definitly not taking away from past experiences. My memories are one of my favorite places to visit, not because I believe that they are in the past and I will never see them again, but because I know that I have so many more of them to look forward to in the future. Certain details may change but the core remains the same. I find myself getting hung up in the details of life and wishing that they were gone when really I should be relishing their existence.
Can't wait for more nights playing Zelda (coincidentally their has been quit a bit of that going on lately!)
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