Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Welcome to the 90's

Well it's not exactly the ninteys, but it would be fun if it was don't you think. No more work just school. I had no idea how utterly amazing school was until I left it (as the old adage goes, you don't know what you had until it is gone).

A mortgage... that's for the birds (not really, but you catch my drift).
Your friends... everynight was a hang out night (don't get me wrong guys I still love hanging out)
Work... work requires a buttoned shirt w/ a collar and pants (no more shorts and a t-shirt for me. I wish I could get sunburnt at work, but that is pretty tough unless your computer minitor starts putting off UV Rays)
Sleep time... (good grief don't get me started)
Wake up time... (AHHHHHHH, even worse)
Bills... (Cell Phone, Car insurance, Mortgage, Gas .... $$$$$)
My body... (How much more hair can grow out of my skin from the neck down, How fast can it fall out above my neck? What do you mean knee surgery? I'm 24 for crying out loud.)

As you can see from my coments above I have had a fundamental shift in my outlook. I used to see the glass half full, now I look at the glass half empty (at least my glass looks that way to me) so today I am starting the new me. I know that I have been truely blessed, and my outlook should reflect this. My parents are amazing, I live near the beach (my schedual revolves around weather or not there are waves), I own property (how many other single 24 year olds can say that), I have friends and family who would truly sacrifice everything for me as I would for them.

I started this post as a gripe against the circumstances that suround my life, I am so thankful to the Lord for what my life is, blessed.

everynight is still a hangout, just not with each other. i agree with the hair. who shaves their shoulders and not their face? nobody...yeah me niether.
i was also wondering if the new you was going to start spelling correctly, and being referred to as simply cmk. (by the way, the cmk bit will make an appearance tonight at old SU - thanks for the life stories timmy)
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