Thursday, March 23, 2006


Sweet Sassy Mollasy

Great news!!! There is finally a swell on the way to Delaware. If your a bodyboarder or surfer for that matter you can relate to this. If you aren't well then... try.
When there are waves in the area it is all you think about. How can you get out of any and all obligations to spend time in the water while the sun is up. When the sun goes down you go to bed extra early so that: 1. You are well rested for the next day of surfing and 2. Morning arrives that much faster once you have closed your eyes for the evening.
To my surprise this morning after working for a few hours and listening to an extremely exciting speech about the issue of design pressure versus mulling of windows and how bureaucratic the entire code enforcement subject is, I took a few minutes to check the forecast. I went to Buoyweather and to my surprise there is a potential swell on the horizon for the weekend.
Sunday morning 6' of swell out of the East at 9 seconds is a goldmine to someone who has been in the water only three times in the last three months and all of those days were back to back in early March. I praise the Lord for the blessing of the outdoors and that I am blessed with even the option of bodyboarding.

I hope very badly that the swell models are right.
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