Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I'm not crazy I promise!!!

So my mom got me this book. 10 Stupid things men do to mess up their lives. Is this encouraging to me? Well I love my mom (and dad) and I know that she is simply looking out for me but I will tell you that I had an initial moment of recoiling and backpedaling at the site of that book. My instant thoughts were: messing up my life! NOOOOO! I hope I don't end up like that guy that I was always afraid of ending up as. Do I seem weird? And so on and so forth.
Backing up to before the book. I believe what prompted this action was a pretty major restructuring of part of my life several weeks ago (I won't go into this here or now but I do believe that most of my friends are aware of what I am referring to) There are several other areas of my life that I would like to restructure as well but I am trying to make these changes one at a time. I do sincerely pray that I am moving in the right direction and not making lifelong mistakes with these decisions.
Anyway, to tell you the truth this book is very useful and I would suggest it to any guy (or girl) that would be interested in a book with that sort of subject matter. It's not necessarily the kind of book that you set on your desk at work because (lets be honest) it would probably creep your coworkers out but a good read nonetheless.

I kinda get the feeling that #7 should be "blogging".

In that case.....we're all sunk.
Oh yes. As a matter of fact it is, and I am quickly slipping away into ruining my life...
Nah I'm actually starting to dislike computers more and more every day.
Thats probably not a good sign for the future of this blog.
I can also vouch that, from what I've read, it is a good book.
I'll tell you what I told
Here's what I think about making decisions for the future:

In five, ten, fifteen years will you wonder... what if? Will you look back and say, "I really wish I could have known what my life would have been like if I had..."?

For instance, right now I love my job, love my friends, and love my ministry. But last week I realized that California Closets and Bayshore Community Church may not be all God has for me. I realized that if I do not go to college (probably Law School) I will always wonder...

So in January I'm off to Virginia to go back to Liberty Univeristy. Why? Because I have to.

Just don't settle, Tim. And if what you are doing makes you so stinkin' happy then go and attack it with your whole heart. :)
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